So you're spying in on my little web site eh? Well good. And if you're at this page, that means you probably find it barely interesting enough to actually find out about me. I could tell you that I'm a secret agent pretending to be an average everyday guy building a website, who's pretending to be a boy raised in Chinatown, adopted by a Chinese hooker, picked up by a biker gang, and tattooed from head to toe, but that's just too hard to believe. Besides, if you've endured my site up to this point, you deserve some truth.
So here it is:


Bradley Stout


5'9" 190lbs, short brown hair, brown eyes,killer smile, great personality, blah blah blah!



Indianapolis, Indiana

Other places I've been:
Key West, FL..Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Israel, & the U.S. Virgin Islands!

Manager for Noble Roman's Pizza

Enjoying my kids, laughter, humor, comedy, fun people in fun places, doing what I want. I enjoy creating web pages, being funny (or at least trying to be), and having as much fun as I can!

Favorite food:
Italian & Mexican, (You thought I was going to say Chinese?)

Favorite beverage:

Favorite movie:
Enemy of the State

Favorite TV:
Saturday Night Live & stand up comedy.

Favorite musical group:
Tenacious D. If you've never heard of them, look into it. They're hilarious!

Personal Quote:
"All the world's a stage, we each play a different role!"


Aw c'mon, keep going! Being nosy, eh? Geez, you really are nosy! play the link game! I am cool, and this proves it! E-mail SumDummGuy! you just gotta sign this! I beg of you!
psycho babble!
Kill the spammers! Hilarious News!
